
Packing Your Computer

Packing tips for your move

Backing Up Data

The most fragile part of a computer is the hard disk. Although it is easy for a technician to replace a hard disk, recreating the data you have stored on the disk is very difficult or may be impossible. The most important rule in using a computer, regardless of whether or not the computer is about to be moved, is to make sure you have at least two different copies of any data or documents that you feel are of value. You should make sure copies of all program diskettes/CDs are labeled. All American Moving, Storage and Delivery cannot be responsible for the loss of any data on a computer.

Files may be copied from the hard disk to an external hard drive, a USB flash drive, or you can use an online backup service. A full backup of data directories should be conducted before a move. It is possible to recreate programs from the original program disks; however, printer drivers, default directories, and preferences will have to be reselected, and macros or setup files may need extensive work to recreate.

Unlocking Security Devices

If the system unit is bolted to a table, unbolt it for transport. Consider using a new security device in your new location. Some personal computers have keys to lock the cover of the system unit. Lock the unit and remove the key. Make sure you place the key where you can easily locate it.

Turning the Power Off

Before attempting to take your system apart, make sure all power switches are turned OFF. This is especially important if you use a power strip with an on/off switch and normally leave the individual component switches ON.

Labeling and Documenting the System

Make sure you write down serial numbers for each piece of equipment.
Using mailing labels or “invisible” tape, label both ends of the cables, describing where the cable is attached and which piece of equipment it serves. On a separate paper, describe the equipment and the cabling attatchments.

Detaching Cables

You may need a small screwdriver to remove the cables. Cables permanently attached to the monitor or external disk drive can simply be taped to the device with masking tape.


Remove toner cartridges from laser printers and put them in their own box (once a toner cartridge has been used, toner can spill out). Remove font cartridges. Remove all paper trays and other plastic parts extending from the body of the printer.


If you still have the original boxes for anything, use them instead of generic packing boxes. If you do not have the original boxes, All American Moving, Storage and Delivery can provide sturdy packing containers and materials.
Pack all cables in one box and label the box accordingly. Pack any keyboard templates, user manual(s), and the mouse in one box and label it. Pack your backup CDs, program CDs in a box and label it. Take additional backup copies with you personally.

Internet Service

Don’t forget to call your service provider and disconnect any internet service or browser lines (such as dial-up telephone lines, Cable, DSL, etc.).
Label cables and how they are connected (write down the wiring configuration on a separate piece of paper in case the labels come off in transport).

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90 Norton Ave
Newark, OH 43055

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