
Paid time Off

Rules for Paid Time Off

DATE: 7/11/19
TO: All employees
FROM: Dan Dragin

Paid time off may be used for the following…

  • When requested in advance when you know you cannot come to work (Dr. appt, vacation, etc.)
  • When you accrue less than 40 hours in any particular week
  • When you leave your employment and you provide All American with at least a 2 week notice. You will be paid out in increments of NO MORE than 40 hours per week.

Paid time off may NOT be used for the following

  • If you have accrued 40 or more hours in any particular week
  • When you leave your employment and you do NOT provide All American with AT LEAST a 2 week notice, or if you are terminated with cause. This may be overturned if you have to leave due to unexpected illness, or family illness. You WILL be required to provide IRON CLAD proof of this particular situation.
  • When you are a “no call/no show” during any particular pay week.
  • When you call in AFTER the next day’s schedule has been posted and you do not have an IRON CLAD excuse.
  • When you call off BEFORE or AFTER a day off. This includes Saturdays, Mondays, Tuesdays (if you are a Tues-Sat delivery team member), Holidays, or previously scheduled day off. This MAY be overturned if you have an IRON CLAD excuse.

IRON CLAD EXCUSE = Dr excuse, obituary, or other specific proof that you needed the day off. This proof may be overturned by your manager if he/she does not feel that it is sufficient.


Mathis Moving and Storage
90 Norton Ave
Newark, OH 43055

© 2025 Mathis Moving and Storage. Operated by All American Moving, Storage, and Delivery PUCO# 147426-HG U.S.DOT No. 2256609 MC# 770031 | Click here for a free estimate here