
2021 Paycheck Protection Plan Hazard Pay

DATE: 4/2/21
TO: All employees
FROM: Dan Dragin
RE: Paycheck Protection Plan and Hazard Pay-ROUND 2

All American was fortunate to have been one of the businesses that successfully applied for this program and was funded for a second time. This stimulus money allows us to provide you with Paycheck Protection and Hazard Pay for at least 8 pay periods, beginning with your paycheck dated April 21, 2021. Following is our current pay structure, however we do reserve the right to modify this structure if it becomes unsustainable, as we only have so much money to work with.

  1. You will be paid a minimum of 40 hours per week at your hazard pay rate even if you were not scheduled for 40 hours of work.
  2. You will receive hazard pay based on the pay chart on the back of this memo. If we have to change this pay schedule you will be notified with the revised schedule.

There are conditions, however, to receiving any bonuses outside of the actual hours you work.

    1. You must work every shift you are scheduled for – whether that is for moving jobs, delivery routes, warehouse work, training videos, or other miscellaneous projects we have for you.
    2. You will not be eligible for the 40 hour week guarantee if you take any days off, this includes any existing/regular weekly days off.
    3. If you should call in sick for any of your shifts, it will be imperative that you have an iron-clad excuse such as a Dr’s note, or some other verifiable excuse. NO EXCEPTIONS.
    4. You must check in with your supervisor every day after your work shift to get permission to go home.
    5. If you would like to request a day off in advance and you are granted that request, or if you would like to maintain your current day off schedule, you WILL receive hazard pay for the hours you work, but you WILL NOT have your pay week rounded up to 40 hours if you do not accumulate 40 hours over the days that you DO work.


Hourly Field staff
1-10 hrs Additional $1/hr
11-20 hrs Additional $2/hr
21-30 hrs Additional $3/hr
31-40 hrs Additional $5/hr
41-50 hrs Additional $6/hr
51+ hrs Additional $7/hr


Daily route staff
1 route/wk Additional $10/wk
2 routes/wk Additional $50/wk ($25 per route)
3 routes/wk Additional $102/wk ($34 per route)
4 routes/wk Additional $200/wk ($50 per route)
5 routes/wk Additional $220/wk ($60 per route)
6 routes/wk Additional $360/wk ($70 per route)


For those of you that work hourly (whse or field) AND on routes, you will be paid the same bonus amount that corresponds to the color bracket of hours/days you worked that week.

Example: You work 10 hours in the field and 2 routes that would push you in to the aqua bracket = additional $3 on your hourly rate and $34 per route (and you get an additional 8 hours at your bonus rate added on to your check)


Whse & Admin hourly staff
1-10 hrs Additional $0.75/hr
11-20 hrs Additional $1.50/hr
21-30 hrs Additional $2.50/hr
31-40 hrs Additional $4/hr
41-50 hrs Additional $5/hr
51+ hrs Additional $5.50/hr



Mathis Moving and Storage
90 Norton Ave
Newark, OH 43055

© 2013 Mathis Moving and Storage, Inc. Operated by All American Moving, Storage, and Delivery PUCO# 147426-HG U.S.DOT No. 2256609 MC# 770031 | Click here for a free estimate here